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*B Wingwood Farm Flyin Ambition

Purebred Nubian     03/12/2018     DNA Typed & Sire Verified     A/B Casein     G6S Normal by Testing


                              +*B SG My-Enchanted-Acres Leading Man  (04-03) EEE 91

            +*B SGCH My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman  (05-07) VEE 91

                              My-Enchanted-Acres RNBOSkittles 8*M  (02-06) VEVV 88

+*B GCH Wingwood Farm CM Atlante  (02-01) EEE 91

                              +*B Wingwood Farm Ami Tupelo  (02-04) EVV 89

            SGCH Wingwood Farm TL Aviva 2*M  (06-05) VEEE 90

                              SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M  (05-05) EEEE 91


                              ++*B SG Kastdemur's Hasta La Vista  (04-01) VAE 87

            ++*B SG Wingwood Farm Vista's Tao  (05-04) VEE 90

                              SGCH Wingwood Farm KR Taipei 3*M  (06-06) VEEE 91

SGCH Wingwood Farm Tao Arista 2*M  (06-04) EEEE 91

                              ++*B SG Wingwood Farm Real Tactitican  (02-05) VEE 90

            SGCH Wingwood Farm TAC Arianna 1*M  (03-08) EEEE 92

                              Wingwood Farm Tim's Antigone

Linear Appraisal History:

2021   (03-03)  GEV  85


Notable Wins:


Current Progeny in Herd:



Semen Availability:

We are offering a limited number of straws for 5/$300or $65/straw, please contact us with inquires.

Ambition comes from an exciting pedigree of proven genetics from the west coast. With many winners from recent national shows, and animals with impressive scores going back several years we are excited about the potential for these genetics. 


His sire Atlante is a promising buck in the Wingwood herd. His dam has been a three time top ten doe and is littermate to +*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas who has done impressive things in many herds, and we have owned two sons in our own herd. His littermate, Avina was the 2019 national show 1st place/3rd udder two year old. His sire Candyman has been one of the most influential recent Nubian sires producing daughters that have productive and correct mammary systems, but he has the most influence on general appearance. His dam is the 2015 reserve junior champion from a very competitive Nubian show. 


Ambition's dam Arista caught my eye on livestream in 2015 when she won her class and reserve best udder, in addition to being in consideration in the champion line. She is a large, powerful doe with tremendous angularity and a beautiful shape to her mammary system. She has some lovely daughters by Candyman which makes us hopeful for this similar cross with a Candyman son. She also comes from a strong dam line having Ariana EX92 and influential sires such as Hasta La Vista, Tao's Vista and Tactitican. 


Ambition has been consistent in length of bone pattern, angularity and rear udder height. He has moved on, but we still have semen available. Please contact us with inquires. 




SGCH Wingwood Farm Tao Arista 2*M

(06-03) EEEE 91

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians


Maternal Sister:​

SGCH Wingwood Farm Lovin Alyssa 3*M

(05-06) VEEE 91

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians



Hops N Lops Bewitched


Dam's Dam:​

SGCH Wingwood Farm TAC Arianna 1*M

(03-08) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians


Sire's Dam:​

SGCH Wingwood Farm TL Aviva 2*M

(06-05) VEEE 90

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians



Hops N Lops Kasablanca 9*M

(03-03) GVGE 87

Avina 2 3.jpg

Sire's Full Sister:​

SGCH Wingwood Farm Sweet Avina 3*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians


Sire's Paternal Sister:​

SGCH Wingwood Farm Sweet Amber 3*M

(04-04) VEEE 91

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians



Hops N Lops Katalyst

(03-03) GGGV 85



Hops N Lops Marquee

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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