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War Cry's Centerfolds Casanova

Purebred Nubian     03/08/2023     DNA Typed     B/B Casein     G6S Normal by Testing

Playboys Centerfold.jpg


                              Kastdemur's Vino  (03-06) VEV 89

            Alize Vino's Khaotic Rage  (03-02) GVG 84

                              GCH Alize Khaos Personified 3*M  (05-03) VVEE 89

War Cry's Red Hot Warrior

                              War Cry's SI Wataya

            War Cry's RW Red Hot Baby

                              Little Bic's Lady in Red


                              M's-Sagebrush-Acres Dakota

            ++*B SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy  (06-04) EEV 90

                              J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl

War Cry's Playboys Centerfold

                              Alize Vino Khaotic Rage

            CH War Cry's Still Khaotic  (03-05) EEEE 90

                              CH War Cry's SV Still Walking  (07-04) EVEE 91


Linear Appraisal History:


Notable Wins:


Current Progeny in Herd



Past Progeny in Herd:


Outside Service & Semen Availability:

We are offering Casanova for driveway breeding services for the 2024-2025 breeding season. For more information, please visit the breeding services page or contact us with inquires. 


We will not be marketing straws from Casanova until we have been able to evaluate daughters in milk. If you would like to be notified when straws become available, please contact us

It took me longer than it should have to introduce our new herd sire, but here he is!


We have been in need of a purebred Nubian outcross to the herd, and when this opportunity presented itself I couldn't pass it up. This kid's pedigree is filled with genetics I've been hoping to add to our herd for a number of years, and both him and his sire have some lovely full sisters or littermates in milk. His dam War Cry's Playboys Centerfold is one of many outstanding daughters from ++*B SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy EX91. Playboy as been an influential sire not only across the United States, but internationally. His daughters are angular, dairy does with beautifully shaped mammary systems. Some of his other daughters include the 2009 Reserve National Junior Champion SGCH LakeShore Mira's Easter Lily 6*M EX91, GCH LakeShore Playboy Centerfold, SGCH Wingwood Farm Playtime Teasel 10*M EX90 and SGCH LakeShore DP Hot as Elle EX92. Casanova's dam also comes from a consistent sam lines with does similar in style and appraising excellent. 


Casanova's sire has an eye-catching littermate sister, CH War Cry's Red Hot Rage. Red Hot Warrior and Rage's sire, is on both sires of Casanova's pedifree and happens to be out of a doe I had a reservation on a number of years ago GCH Alize Khaos Personified 3*M VG89.  Khaos is out fo the 2009 Reserve National Champion and Best Udder winner, SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M EX92. As you go farther back on the top side of this pedigree, there are well known names such as Full Service, Time in a Bottle and Temerity.


I look forward to finally being able to cross these genetics into our herd!


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Red Hot Rage.jpg


War Cry's Playboys Centerfold

Photo courtesy of War Cry's Dairy Goats


Sire's Littermate:

CH War Cry's Red Hot Rage

(01-03) VVGG 85

Photo courtesy of War Cry's Dairy Goats

Full Sister:

War Cry's CW Boomerang

Photo courtesy of War Cry's Dairy Goats

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Sire's Dam:

War Cry's RW Red Hot Baby

Photo courtesy of War Cry's Dairy Goats

Sire's Granddam:

GCH Alize Khaos Personified 3*M

(05-03) VVEE 89

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians


Sire's Great-Greandam:

SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 3*M

(03-07) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

LakeShore Mira's Easter Lily.jpg
LakeShore Playboys Centerfold.jpg
LakeShore DP Hot as Elle.jpg

Dam's Paternal Sister:

SGCH LakeShore Mira's Easter Lily 6*M

(06-02) EEEE 91

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

Playboy Centerfold Rear Udder.jpg


War Cry's Playboys Centerfold

Photo courtesy of War Cry's Dairy Goats


Dam's Paternal Sister:

GCH LakeShore Playboy Centerfold 3*M

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

Dam's Paternal Sister:

SGCH LakeShore DP Hot as Elle 2 *M

(05-02) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

Khaos Personified Rear.jpg

Sire's Granddam:

GCH Alize Khaos Personified 3*M

(05-03) VVEE 89

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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