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SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M

American Saanen     03/12/2016     DNA Typed & Parent Verified     E/E Casein


                              ++*B Briarwind Tangier  (04-02) EEE 90

            ++B des-Ruhigestelle TE Enoch

                              SG des-Ruhigestelle Elowah 7*M  (05-05) VEVE 90

++*B SG des-Ruhigestelle Trademark  (04-03) EEE 91

                              ++*B SG Loughlin's Fox Maker

            SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Riah 9*M  (05-04) EEEE 92

                              SG des-Ruhigestelle Dividened 8*M  (01-03) GGGV 84


                              +*B des-Ruhigestelle Rising Sun

            +*B des-Ruhigestelle Carlos

                              SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Nashville 4*M  (06-03) EEEE 92

SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea 9*M  (03-06) EEEE 93

                              +*B SG Companeros Jude  (01-09) GEV 83

            SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendili 8*M  (06-06) EEVE 92

                              SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elentara 7*M  (05-11) EEEE 91

Linear Appraisal History:

2017   (01-06)  GAGV  81

2018   (02-03)  GEEE  88

2019   (03-05)  EEEV  90

2021   (05-03)  VEEV  89


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(01-00)   243DIM  2181    87F    70P

(01-10)   286DIM  3301  114F  109P

(02-10)   305DIM  3970  137F  124P

(02-10)   329DIM  4132  143F  130P

(03-10)   305DIM  3903  133F  119P

(03-10)   322DIM  4031  137F  124P

(04-10)   305DIM  4084  138F  125P 

(04-10)   316DIM  4291  142F  130P  

(06-00)   188DIM  2828    94F    84P

(06-10)   305DIM  3515  123F  114P

(06-10)   313DIM  3828  130F  121P

(07-10)   138DIM  1605    51F    43P (in progress)


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:

2016   22nd Place Junior Kid

2018   15th Place Two Year Old


2018 NSBA Res All American Two Year Old

2016 NSBA Res All American Intermediate Kid


Elite August 2021, December 2020, August 2020, December 2019, August 2017


2021 CDGA Nutmeg Classic GCH, BOB & BUOB

2019 Eastern States Expi 1st Place

2017 NHDGA Show GCH

2017 SVTDGA Show GCH

2016 PDGC GCH (x2)


Ellaria has been a valuable genetic addition to our herd, and a little bit of a fun genetic challenge for us. We have admired the Des-Ruhigestelle (now Tempo Passa) herd since we've been introduced to the breed, and made the decision to bring in our first American Saanen while we bred up our Native on Appearance grade line. With a pedigree filled with high appraising does who have made the breed leader list and consistently placed at ADGA National Shows, she has plenty of genetic potential to bring. 


While she is a very different style doe that can certainly affect how she placed in east coast shows, Ellaria's value is certainly in her offspring. We have bred her to bucks from different herds and every one of them has maintained her length of bone pattern, angularity and productivity with a slightly different style. Her daughters have worked out so well, we have held on to one sired by each buck she's given us a daughter from! Most notably in Hops N Lops Guantanmo 11*M EX90, a doe excelling in mammary system with a tremendously wide, high rear udder, good medial and teat placement. Her daughter Excelsior 11*M EX90 is still an immature milker but has an incredible will to milk like her dam and similar shape to the rear udder. Ellaria's daughter Guantanamo has also turned into quite the brood doe herself and we've retained her son *B Hops N Lops Hamunaptra. 


Ellaria also is notable for her amazing will to milk. It can be tricky managing west coast does on an east coast diet, so while I'm so fortunate her daughters have a little most east coast bone and ability to handle what hay quality we have. Ellaria has been such a valuable doe to us, we haven't pushed her to make the top ten list like she absolutely has the ability to do. Sometimes slowing her production down, or bringing her down to once a day milking early her lactations are still impressive. She also gets the stamp of approval from my milking help while I'm on the road as a favorite for easy of hand milking and stand manners, I also have to mention what a sweet doe she is. We want many more years of daughters from Ellaria to keep this incredible dam line going, so we are making sacrificed to keep her as healthy and sound as possibly as she starts to get closer and closer to double digits. 


We are so grateful for the line she's started for us and expect to see it making an impact in our herd for years to come.




Ellie 2019.jpg

Five Year Old, Fifth Freshener

Three Year Old, Third Freshener

Two Year Old, Second Freshener

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Ellaria 2019 2.jpg

Milking Yearling

Milking Yearling

Three Year Old, Third Freshener (Dry)





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Two Year Old, Second Freshener

Two Year Old, Second Freshener

Five Year Old, Fifrth Freshener

Two Year Old, Second Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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