Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Scotchbriar Comedy of Errors
American Nubian 04/01/2021 DNA Typed E/F Casein G6S Normal by Testing

+*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas
*B LakeShore Midsmr Night's Dream (02-03) EEV 90
SG LakeShore Show Me Summer 4*M (04-02) EVEE 91
Hops N Lops As You Like It
+*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon (02-03) VEE 90
Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M (03-03) VVVV 87
Hops N Lops Mystique 2*M
+*B SG LakeShore Wild at Heart (01-03) VVE 89
+*B SGCH Kori-Brook Wild Romeo (03-01) EEEE 91
SGCH Kori-Brook DRSV Reese 4*M (05-02) EEEE 92
SGCH Scotchbriar Nimue's Evening 1*M (05-04) VEVE 90
*B Greystone Emrys (03-04) VVE 89
Scotchbriar Midsummer's Eve (04-01) EVEA 85
Scotchbriar Fawn
Linear Appraisal History:
Notable Wins:
Past Progeny in Herd:
Outside Service & Semen Availability:
We are offering Comedy for driveway breeding services during the 2024-25 breeding season. For more information, please visit the breeding services page or contact us with inquires.
We will not be marketing any straws from Comedy until we have been able to evaluate daughters in milk. If you would like to be notified when straws becomes available, please contact us.
Comedy is the result of a fun cross of our genetics and our friends at Scotchbriar Nubians. When Andrea picked up "As You Like It" as a kid, I mentioned if she bred him to Wild Joy or Nimue I would be interested in a son. We've shown against those does a number of times, and I had the opportunity to judge them a number of times as well. Both of them have a lovely large frame with tremendous length of bone pattern, very productive mammary systems with high rear udders and smooth fore udders as well as plenty of angularity. So when Comedy was born, we were able to agree to bring him here to use in both of our herds during upcoming years.
His dam Nimue is a 3/4 sister to the 2016 Reserve National Champion and Reserve Best Udder Nubian, SGCH Scotchbriar Wild Joy 1*M EX91. Both of these does we're competitive with Joy having 5 BDIS, 11 BOB, 18 GCH and 4 RGCH wins to her name and Nimue having 3 BIS, 16 BOB, 18 GCH and 3 RGCH wins. They've both produced some lovely up and coming daughters, such as Nimue's daughter Scotchbriar Edge of Eden. This dam line and herd are very consistent in the shape of rear udder, strength of medial and teat placement.
He's been a buck I've had on the back burner as we brought in some different genetics to use him to cross back to daughters of bucks such as Iceman, so we look forward to seeing plenty of kids from him in 2024.

Dam's 3/4 Sister:
SGCH Scotchbriar Wild Joy 1*M
(08-05) EEEE 91
Photo courtesy of Scotchbriar Nubians

Dam's 3/4 Sister:
SGCH Scotchbriar Wild Joy 1*M
(08-05) EEEE 91
Photo courtesy of Scotchbriar Nubians

Sire's Dam:
Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M
(03-03) VVVV 87
Sire's Dam:
Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M
(03-03) VVVV 87
Sire's Littermate:
Hops N Lops Requiem

Dam's 3/4 Sister:
SGCH Scotchbriar Wild Joy 1*M
(08-05) EEEE 91
Photo courtesy of Scotchbriar Nubians
Sire's Dam:
Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M
(03-03) VVVV 87