Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
*B Kastdemur's Vicco
Purebred LaMancha 03/07/2017 DNA Typed & Parent Verifed A/F Casein

++*B GCH One*Oak*Hill MAC Tumble Weed
++B One*Oak*Hill Tumbleweed Talon (05-07) EEE 90
Elm*Glen Tribute Tumore'
++B Autumn-Acres Black Zephyr (02-03) VEE 90
One*Oak*Hill Hesston Cycas
CH Autumn-Acres Cycas Jamica (05-03) EEEE 92
CH One*Oak*HIll Tweed Jostle
++*B SG Kastdemur's Sting
++*B SGCH Kastdemur's Stingray
SGCH Kastdemur's Avena 3*M (07-05) EEEE 91
SGCH Kastdemur's Vintage 5*M (06-06) EEEE 93
+*B SGCH Kastdemur's Landslide (03-05) EEE 92
GCH Kastdemur's Ventura 4*M
GCH Kastdemur's Survivor Vanuatu 3*M (03-02) EEEE 93
When I finally made the decision to put a reservation down for our foundation LaMancha doe I only had two does in mind, one of the two was SGCH Kastdemur's Vintage 5*M EX93. I have admired her style and correct type since she was a first freshener, so when we ended up getting our doe kid from my other choice I have been planning to breed Vintage's genetics ever since. Vintage has gone on to win 1st Place/2nd Udder at the 2018 National Show as a three year old, and was Reserve National Champion the following year.
Vintage's son Vicco quickly became a note worthy name in the LaMancha world for his consistent daughters that have a similar style to his dam. Not only is that style found in Vintage, it's consistent in her strong dam line. Her dam Ventura was the 2009 1st Place Junior Kid, and her maternal granddam Vanuatu was the 2005 1st Place Senior Yearling. She also went on to be one of a small percentage of does in history to score EX93. Vintage's sire Stingray has produced several does that have gone on to do great things, like SGCH Kastdemur's Bora Bora 5*M EX91 who was the 2018 2nd Place/Udder Four Year Old and 2019 3rd Place/Udder Five to Six Year Old; and Vintage's littermate SGCH Kastdemur's Vienna 5*M EX90.
Vicco's sire Black Zephyr has been successful in the Kastdemur's herd producing does such as GCH Kastdemur's Aquafina 3*M EX92, the 2009 1st Place/2nd Udder Two Year Old and GCH Kastdemur's Orange Smoothie EX91, the 2009 3rd Place Two Year Old. His dam comes fine a line of animals consistently scoring and placing well at National Shows going back to notable animals in the One*Oak*Hill and Autumn-Acres herds. This is a fun linebreeding on Zephyr's sire ++B One*Oak*Hill Tumbleweed Talon EX90 who also goes back to Tumble Weed, the 2003 National Premier Sire and full brother to the 7x National Premier Sire ++*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult EX92. Talon produced daughters such as GCH Autumn-Acres Miss Marmalade 3*M EX92, the 2010 1st Place Aged Doe and CH Autumn-Acres Talon's Tressa EX92, the 2004 National Junior Champion Recorded Grade and went on to win Best Udder in 2011.
Vicco has several daughters in milk across the country that are so similar in style to Vintage being level, long bodied does with mammary systems having long, smooth fore udders, high rear udders and lovely medial ligaments and teat placement. We look forward to seeing what he'll do for our herd!

Vicco Get of Sire
​GCH Kastdemur's Vanity-Fair 7*M
(04-05) VEEE 92

Vineyard View Vicco Ginevra 3*M
(03-04) VEVE 91

Maternal Great-Granddam:
SGCH Kastdemur's Survivor Vantuatu 3*M
(03-02) EEEE 93

+*B Kastdemur's Vicco