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*B Kastdemur's High Tide

American Nubian     03/10/2009     DNA Typed     G6S Normal by Testing


                              Little-Bic's Rain Dancer

            ++B Sweet Harvest Show Time  (01-02) VVV 85

                              CH Sweet-Harvest Show Me Yours

*B CH Kastdemur's Showcase  (04-03) VEE 88

                              ++*B SG Kastdemur's LH Full Service  (02-01) EEE 91

            GCH Kastdemur's Finesse 3*M  (02-02) EVEE 90

                              GCH Kastdemur's Crown Finale 2*M  (07-04) EEVE 91


                              ++*B SG Kastdemur's Full Service  (02-01) EEE 91

            ++*B Kastdemur's Full Disclosure  (02-01) EEE 91

                              GCH Lassenwood Miller Kailia 1*M  (04-05) VVEE 90

GCH Kastdemur's Sea Breeze 5*M  (03-01) VEEV 89

                              ++*B LakeShore Doctor Luke  (05-01) VEE 90

            Kastdemur's Breeze 4*M  (03-04) EEEE 92

                              GCH Kastdemur's Aubree 3*M  (06-00) EEEE 92


Past Progeny in Herd:


Linear Appraisal History:

2016  (05-03)  VEE  90


Coming from the best of Kastdemur's Nubians not long before the Nubian herd dispersal High Tide is a special boy. He has consistently produced very dairy daughters with flat bone and open ribbed while also excelling in general appearance. They are long, tall, level and stand on correct feet and legs. His pedigree is also filled with Crown Ambassador and Full Service line breedings!


 High Tide has some of the best of Kastdemur's herd in his pedigree. His sire, *B CH Kastdemur's Showcase (04-03) VEE 88 is a 3/4 sibling to the infamous SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity 5*M (05-06) EEEE 93 the 2008 National Champion and Best Udder and the 2009 National Champion, Total Performer, High 305 Milk and Butterfat! They share the same sire ++B Sweet-Harvest Show Time (01-02) VVV 85 and both come from the consistent dam line from GCH Kastdemur's EP Ashley 1*M EX90 which had produced many of their National Champions over the years. High Tide's dam, GCH Kastdemur's Finesse 3*M (02-02) EVEE 90 was the 2003 National Show 1st place and udder milking yearling and then won her class with the 2nd place udder in 2004! Unfortunately her show career was cut short but she proved her worth as a young doe. Her success was not surprise being the daughter of ++*B SG Kastdemur's Full Service (02-05) EEE 91 - the 1999, 2005 and 2006 National Premier Sire! He has sired many excellent daughters including Kastdemur's Sweet-Spring PBC Berimargarita 1*M (07-05) EEEE 92, SGCH Kastdemur's FS Santa Cruz 10*M (05-06) EEEE 92, SGCH Kastdemur's Always & Forever 3*M (03-03) EEEE 92 and the 2003 Reserve National Junior Champion SGCH Terravista 1*M (03-04) EEVE 92. Finesse's dam is just as impressive being the 1999 National Champion and Best Udder GCH Kastdemur's Crown Finale 2*M (07-04) EEVE 91! Not to forget she is also a Crown Ambassador daughter.


His dam, GCH Kastdemur's Sea Breeze 5*M (03-01) VEEV 88 is a beautiful doe that didn't have her chance to shine. She was the 2010 Reserve All American Four Year Old (Tie) and placed several times in the top 20 at National Show. Her sire ++*B Kastdemur's Full Disclosure (02-01) EEE 91 is a son of Full Service and the 2005 National Champion and Reserve Best Udder, GCH Lassenwood Miller Kalila 1*M (04-05) VVEE 90. Disclosure has some impressive daughters himself including SGCH LakeShore Summer Intrigue 6*M (06-03) EEEE 91 and Sweet-Spring Mabeline 1*M (05-04) EEEE 91. Sea Breeze also comes from an extremely strong dam line being the daughter of Kastdemur's Breeze 4*M (03-04) EEEE 92, who is a daughter of GCH Kastdemur's Aubree 3*M (06-00) EEEE 92 - the 2001 National Champion and Best Udder and the 2002 Reserve National Champion and Best Udder! Breeze's sire is ++*B LakeShore-Farms Doctor Luke (05-01) VEE 90, a very consistent buck who produced many great daughters over a short lifetime such and achieved honors such as being the 2003 and 2004 1st Place Junior Get of Sire, 2005 1st Place Senior Get of Sire, and sired the 2003 1st place intermediate kid, the 2004 senior yearling and national junior champion - SGCH LakeShore-Farms Summer Storm 5*M (04-03) EEEE 92 who was also the first place two year old in 2005!


High Tide himself has some nice daughters, dry and in milk including Hops N Lops Bellona who was the 16th place junior kid at the 2016 ADGA National Show. He has some nice daughters produced by the Beorningswick herd such as Eclair who is one of his first daughters in milk that has one a few two year old classes in New York in 2016. His granddaughters in our herd have also done well with Hops N Lops Red Leader placing 10th at the 2018 ADGA National Show.


sea breeze3.jpg


GCH Kastdemur's Sea Breeze 5*M

(03-02) VEEV 89

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats


Sire's Dam:​

GCH Kastdemur's Finesse 3*M

(02-02) EVEE 90

2004 NS 1st Place/2nd Udder Two Year Old

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goat


Dam's Dam:​

Kastdemur's Breeze 4*M

(03-04) EEEE 92

2006 CA State Fair Best Udder

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goat

Crown Finale.jpg

Maternal Great-Granddam:​

GCH Katdemur's Aubree 3*M

(06-00) EEEE 92

2001 NCH & BU, 2002 RNCH & BU

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats

Paternal Great-Granddam:​

GCH Lassenwood Miller Kailia 1*M

(04-05) VVEE 90

2005 National Champion & Reserve Best Udder

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats

Paternal Great-Granddam:​

GCH Kastdemur's Crown Finale 2*M

(07-04) EEVE 91

2999 National Champion & Best Udder

Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats

Summer Intrigue.jpg

Dam's Paternal Sister:​

SGCH LakeShore FD Summer Intrigue 6*M

(06-04) EEEE 91

Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians


GCH Beornings Paurque 2*M

(02-03) VEVV 87

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats


Hops N Lops Bellona

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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