Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
GCH Hops N Lops ​Wysteria 2*M
American Nubian 05/07/2014 DNA Typed & Parent Verified A/B Casein G6S Normal by Testing

++*B Sand-Bur-Kids SC Grizzly
++B Saada Ishmael (08-02) EEV 90
SG Saada Lady Bathsheba (01-02) VEVV 87
+*B Saada El-Tuzla
++*B SG Saada Gandolph Gado (02-06) VEGV 87
SGCH Saada El-Levitica 3*M (03-00) EEEE 92
SGCH Saada El-Kaziah 2*M (06-02) EVEE 92
*B Kastdemur's Full Mailbox
Beornings Yukio
CH Beornings Kijuuki (01-03) GEVG 83
Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M (05-02) VEEE 91
*B Lynnhaven D Gypsy Csardas (05-03) GGV 84
Lakeridge Farm Harriet
Lakeridge Farm Amy
Linear Appraisal History:
2014 (00-02) ++A A Young Stock Appraisal
2015 (01-01) V+V V Young Stock Appraisal
2016 (02-01) V++V 86
2017 (03-03) V+VE 90
2018 (04-00) VVEE 90
2021 (07-02) EEEE 91
DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:
(02-10) 305DIM 2720 117F 101P
(02-10) 352DIM 3130 138F 118P
(03-11) 237DIM 2480 100F 98P
(04-08) 274DIM 2310 100F 82P
(05-10) 284DIM 2180 95F 78P
(06-11) 191DIM 1860 79F 64P
National Show Placings & Notable Wins:
2016 12th Place Two Year Old
2018 7th Place Four Year Old
2018 INBA D1 Specialty GCH & Best Udder
2018 INBA D2 Specialty RGCH
2018 INBA All American Four Year Old
2017 INBA Res All American Three Year Old
2016 INBA Res All American Two Year Old
2015 INBA Res All American Senior Yearling
2018 CGDA Nutmeg Classic GCH and BUOB
2017 CDGA Nutmeg Classic GCH and BOB
2017 NHDGA Show GCH
2016 PDGC Champagne Classic BUOB
Where do I start with describe this doe and the legacy she's produced for us. Even at almost ten years old, she is still a doe that excels in every part of the scorecard. She was certainly a plain looking kid that was looked over and moved to the end of the line many times because she didn't have the dairyness and angularity. She was a "boxy" looking young doe, but she just needed to time to grow into herself where that wouldn't over look how she excelled in feet and legs, topline and rump along with plenty of width and depth throughout. Thankfully her offspring are not as extreme of an awkward baby as she was, I always remind those who purchase from this line it won't take too long but you need to be patient.
When she freshened, it was hard to not look at her. She has tremendous area of attachment with a wide, smooth fore udder, beautiful width of rear udder that milks down extremely well. She finally milked off the extra weight had as a junior doe and her length of bone pattern and angularity really started to shine. Now as a very mature doe, she is still just as correct and I cannot express enough how amazing this doe still is. She is still more level and strong across her back than many does are at their peak, pasterns that resemble a two year old's and while the biggest complaint she got was she could be tighter at the should blade, but it never got worse as she matured. She is truly a reminder of what I expect in my does, and while I like to give my older does their time to rest at home I am frequently temped to take her back into the show ring.
I emphasis my goal of a breeding program is animals that reproduce themselves in their offspring and are not a one hit wonder, and she absolutely has proven that as did her littermate sister Mystique. Wysteria already has excellent appraising daughters that resemble her so much with improvements in dairy strength. We've used both a son and grandson with success, and her genetics have gone on to do well in other herds. I wish I had the time and help to get her daughters into the show ring more than I have recently, but they are certainly something I'm proud to have in the barn.
It's been a few years since we showed Wysteria, and after a scary kidding in 2021 that left me a bit shook up and her completely fine we gave her 2022 off. We do intend to breed her another time or two, and we hope to get one last herd sire from her and I wouldn't mind a few more daughters but she has certainly earned her place in our barn.

Four Year Old, Third Freshener
Four Year Old, Third Freshener
Three Year Old Second Freshener

Two Year Old, First Freshener
Two Year Old, First Freshener


Four Year Old, Third Freshener
Two Year Old, First Freshener
Three Year Old Second Freshener