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Hops N Lops Wookiee 3*M

American Nubian     04/15/2018    DNA Typed & Parent Verified     A/B Casein     G6S Normal by Parentage

Pictured milked out


                              +*B Kastdemur's Hey Jude

            +*B Begley's-Troubled-Acre J Rumba  (05-05) VVG 85

                              Willow Run Valmont Rhapsody 9*M  (02-01) VGVV 86

*B Begley's-Troubled-Acre Skywlkr

                              ++*B SGCH LakeShore-Farms Star Status  (06-04) EEE 91

            SGCH Begley's-Troubled-Acre Skdlbut 3*M  (05-02) EEEE 91

                              SGCH Begley's-Troubled-Acre Dabble 2*M  (05-03) EEVE 90


                              ++B Saada Ishmael  (08-02) VEE 90

            +*B Saada El-Tuzla

                              SGCH Saada El-Levitica 3*M  (03-00) EEEE 92

GCH Hops N Lops Wysteria 2*M  (07-02) EEEE 91

                              Beornings Yukio

            Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M  (05-02) VEEE 91

                              Lakeridge Farm Harriet


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(01-09)  288DIM  1330  59F  54P

(02-10)  276DIM  1540  69F  60P  

(04-03)    99DIM    840  29F  29P


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:

2018 8th Place Junior Kid


Linear Appraisal History:

2021   (03-02)  EEVE  90


Wookiee is a doe that deserves a lot more attention, but just due to my schedule didn't get a chance to see the show ring as much as I'd like. She is very similar to her incredible dam Wysteria, and is already proving to pass that on to her offspring. Excelling in every part of the scorecard she possesses the general appearance I expect in my does. A long, level topline, wide rump, excellent pasterns and legs, a smoothly blended front end along with the depth, width and angularity to pull it all together. Her mammary system is incredibly well attached with a smooth, wide fore udder and lovely width of rear udder.


Her daughter Blonde Bombshell is also an up and coming favorite. Blondie's littermate brother also produced some lovely kids in other herds placing in the top five of the 2022 ADGA National Show. We have repeated that breeding a few times as we love the consistent outcome so much along with her kids from other sires. We now have a 2023 kid that is a full sister to Blondie and look forward to seeing her freshen in 2025.


Wookiee is the littermate to our previous herd sire *B Hops N Lops Wolfsbane who produced some lovely, well attached mammary systems for us. We are offering a very limited number of straws from him. 


Wookiee 2020.jpg
Wookiee Yearling.jpg

Two Year Old, First Freshener (Milked Out)

Dry Yearling






Wookiee Udder 2020.jpg
Wookiee Udder 2020 2.jpg

Two Year Old, First Freshener

Two Year Old, First Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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