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Hops N Lops Nightlock

American Nubian     01/20/2021     DNA Typed & Parent Verified    B/B Casein     G6S Normal by Parentage

Linear Appraisal History:

2023   (02-05)  VVGE  88




                              +*B SG Wingwood Farm Ami Tupelo  (02-04) EVV 89

            +*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas

                              SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M  (05-05) EEEE 91

*B LakeShore Midsmr Night's Dream  (02-03) EEV 90

                              *B LakeShore Real Indian Summer

            SG LakeShow Show Me Summer 5*M  (04-02) EVEE 91

                              SGCH LakeShore Dandy Showgirl 4*M  (03-03) EEEE 91


                              *B Begley's-Troubled-Acre Skywlkr

            *B Hops N Lops Wolfsbane

                              GCH Hops N Lops Wysteria 2*M  (07-01) EEEE 91

Hops N Lops Nightshade

                              +*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon  (02-03) VEE 90

            Hops N Lops Diminuendo

                              Hops N Lops Imperatrix Mundi  (02-04) VGGG 83 (dry)


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(02-01)  266DIM  1287  52F  40P 

(03-00)  141DIM   710   30F  22P  (in progress)


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:








Nightlock is an exciting young doe from what has become a very consistent line for us, that just really hasn't been in the spotlight just yet. Being linebred on our dam line going back to our foundation doe Bellatrix and successful herd sire Drakon, she is exactly what you'd expect from this breeding. She's extremely correct in general appearance with lovely strength of pastern, correct set to the front leg, good strength of brisket and natural levelness of topline. While this line is not a big one, she is very well balanced in strength having a deep and wide chest floor and plenty of depth of barrel already as a dry yearling. This dam line has only been shown because they're a smaller line, while still making breed minimum height smaller statured does are frequently overlooked in the ring. 


Nightlock is the first doe from this line we've brought out of the barn in several generations. While I'd like to widen her out a bit and see more maturity of her front end, she is certainly a flashy doe. She only went to one show in 2023 but was first in both rings, and grand champion over several mature permanent champion and excellent scoring does - as a first freshener! Her udder is extremely correct in shape, and milks down to nothing. The future is bright for her and we expect big things once she matures!



Two Year Old, First Freshener

Two Year Old, First Freshener

Two Year Old, First Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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