Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops ​Mystique 2*M
American Nubian 05/07/2014 DNA Typed & Parent Verified A/B Casein G6S Normal by Testing

++*B Sand-Bur-Kids SC Grizzly
++B Saada Ishmael (08-02) EEV 90
SG Saada Lady Bathsheba (01-02) VEVV 87
+*B Saada El-Tuzla
++*B SG Saada Gandolph Gado (02-06) VE+V 87
SGCH Saada El-Levitica 3*M (03-00) EEEE 92
SGCH Saada El-Kaziah 2*M (06-02) EVEE 92
*B Kastdemur's Full Mailbox
Beornings Yukio
CH Beornings Kijuuki (01-03) +EV+ 83
Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M (05-02) VEEE 91
*B Lynnhaven D Gypsy Csardas (05-03) ++V 84
Lakeridge Farm Harriet
Lakeridge Farm Amy
DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:
(02-09) 132DIM 860 38F 37P
(02-10) 352DIM 1820 78F 44P
National Show Placings & Notable Wins:
2015 INBA D2 Specialty GCH
2015 INBA All American Senior Yearling
2015 ENYGC GCH (x2)
2015 PDGC GCH (x2)
2014 Eastern States Expo GCH
Linear Appraisal History:
2014 (00-02) ++A G Young Stock Appraisal
2015 (01-01) Ec+V V Young Stock Appraisal
Mystique is a doe that had a stand out junior show career, but it was unfortunately cut short as a first freshener. She is the littermate sister of Wysteria, and while they're both very correct in general appearance she is a more feminine, long bone patterned version of her sister. She has produced daughter with that same angularity and style like Masquerade 3*M and Storm 3*M. That line has continued to have that same style through her granddaughter and great granddaughters, and we hope to see those traits continue for more generations to come.

Dry Yearling
Dry Yearling
Three Year Old, Second Freshener

Three Year Old, Second Freshener
Three Year Old, Second Freshener