Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Jekyll and Hyde
American Nubian 03/03/2020 DNA Typed & Parent Verified A/B Casein G6S Normal by Parentage

+*B SG Wingwood Farm Ami Tupelo (02-05) EVV 89
+*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas
SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M (05-05) EEEE 91
*B LakeShore Midsmr Night's Dream (02-03) EEV 90
*B LakeShore Real Indian Summer
SG LakeShore Show Me Summer 5*M (04-02) EVEE 91
SGCH LakeShore Dandy Showgirl 4*M (03-03) EEEE 91
++B Saada Ishmael (08-02) EEV 90
+*B Saada El-Tuzla
SGCH Saada El-Levitica 3*M (03-00) EEEE 92
GCH Hops N Lops Wysteria 2*M (07-02) EEEE 91
Beornings Yukio
Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M (05-02) VEEE 91
Lakeridge Farm Harriet
Linear Appraisal History:
"Oreo" as she's refereed to here, is certainly another typical Wysteria daughter being correct in general appearance, with good width throughout with added dairy strength and angularity from her sire. Unfortunately, she did not settle to freshen as a two year old so we look forward to seeing her mammary system in 2023 and hope it's as well attached and similar in teat placement to her lovely littermate, Death Wysh.