Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Jean Valjean
American LaMancha 05/10/2020 DNA Typed & Parent Verified Casein Pending

++*B SG Winterwood's The Medicine Man
++*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult (03-04) EEE 92
SGCH One*Oak*Hill Harlequin Tulila 1*M (02-04) EEVV 90
Lynnhaven MT French Revolution
*B Kastdemur's Kiss This (06-04) EVE 90
CH Lynnhaven KT French Allure (06-05) EEEE 92
SG Little-Rainbow WBC FR Toast (05-05) EEEV 91
*B Goat-San Maximus (02-02) +VV 84
+*B Goat-San Mount Bachelor (02-01) VEE 88
SGCH Goat-San Molalla 4*M (03-06) EEEE 91
Goat-San Lemon Verbena (06-05) EEEV 91
+*B J-Haven's 777 Livin' in Sin (03-03) EEE 92
GCH Goat-San Chocolate Mint 4*M (06-05) EEEE 93
GCH Goat-San Oregano 3*M (05-02) EEEE 92
Linear Appraisal History:
Notable Wins:
Current Progeny in Herd:
Past Progeny in Herd:
Outside Service & Semen Availability:
We will be offering Jean for driveway breeding services during the 2024-25 breeding season. For more information, please visit the breeding services page or contact us with inquires.
We are offering a very limited number of straws from Scott for 5/$300 or $65/straw, please contact us with inquires.
If you're going to start with a breed, you better just start with the best and we seem to have choose wisely! A lot of research went into finding the dam of our foundation doe Verbena, and we are so thankful to Goat-San for offering us a lovely daughter of GCH Goat-San Chocolate Mint EX93. Mint is a doe that really excels in every part of the scorecard but I most appreciate her general appearance. Her daughter Verbena reminds me so much of her, the smoothness of her front end and extension of brisket, levelness of topline of width from her front end all the way across her back and rump. My biggest problem with her is we need her to have something besides a single so she can get the capacity to match her frame! Her pedigree is pretty star studded with does that have scored well and are behind the Goat-San herd. Chocolate Mint is out of a National Show class winner Oregano, who is a daughter of the 2015 Recorded Grade National Champion GCH Goat-San All Spice EX93. All Spice actually has quite a mix of breeds behind her including Nubian and Toggenburg, but all the animals and herd names behind her are also behind a slew of notable animals who have done well at National Shows including Kastdemur's, Rowe's, Little Orchard, Vineyard View, Wingwood, Becca's, South-Fork and several others. It was exciting to see that Verbena's littermate sister was also named the 2022 National Champion, GCH Goat-San Peppermint.
Now his father French Revolution has a funny story to it, and a reminder of the importance of DNA typing whenever more than one sire is possible. We took Verbena off site to be bred and she was not the easiest doe to successfully breed. We ended up using two diffrent Tumult AI sons, as it's Tumult and several trips into it we said why not! We typed the kids when they were born, and we had a doe from one sire and a buck from the other! With that said, we are excited to have a grandson of the seven time premier sire, ++*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult EX92 in the herd. She sired several notable does, as did his father and full brother Talon. Most notably is two-time national champion and one time reserve, SGCH Kastdemur's Evian EX94. Not only did she show and score well, she was also a top ten doe. French Revolution's dam comes from a consistent line of does going back generations of does scoring 91-92.

Goat-San Lemon Verbena
(05-03) EEVV 91

Maternal Great-Grandam:
SGCH Goat-San Molalla 4*M
(03-06) EEEE 91
Photo courtesy of Goat-San Dairy Goats

Maternal Grandam:
GCH Goat-San Chocolate Mint 4*M
(06-05) EEEE 93
Photo courtesy of Goat-San Dairy Goats
Dam's Littermate:
GCH Goat-San Pepper Mint 5*M
(03-05) VEEE 91
Photo courtesy of Goat-San Dairy Goats

Paternal Great-Grandam:
SGCH Kastdemur's Evian 2*M
(05-06) EEEE 94
Photo courtesy of Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
Paternal Grandam:
SGCH Lynnhaven KT French Allure
(06-05) EEEE 92
Photo courtesy of Lynnhaven Dairy Goats

Maternal Great-Grandam:
GCH Goat-San Oregano 3*M
(04-02) EEEE 92
Photo courtesy of Goat-San Dairy Goats
Maternal Great-Great-Grandam:
GCH Goat-San All Sprice 2*M
(06-03) EEEE 93
Photo courtesy of Goat-San Dairy Goats
Three Years Old