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Hops N Lops In Fair Verona

American LaMancha     05/11/2020     DNA Typed & Parent Verified     A/F Casein

Linear Appraisal History:

2022  (02-02)  GGAV  83


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(01-10)   210DIM  1430  45F  43P


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:









                              ++*B SG Winterwood's The Medicine Man

            ++*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult  (03-04) EEE 92

                              SGCH One*Oak*Hill Harlequin Tulila 1*M  (02-04) EEVV 90

Lynnhaven MT Torrid Affair

                              *B Kastdemur's BurninDownTheHouse

            CH Lynnhaven BDH White Hot Kisses  (05-04) EEEE 92

                              SG Lynnhaven Kiss Me OneMore Time  (07-04) EEVV 90


                              *B Goat-San Maximus  (02-02) GVV 84

            +*B Goat-San Mount Bachelor  (02-01) VEE 88

                              SGCH Goat-San Molalla 4*M  (03-06) EEEE 91

Goat-San Lemon Verbena  (06-05) EEVE 91

                              +*B J-Haven's 777 Livin' in Sin  (03-03) VEE 92

            GCH Goat-San Chocolate Mint 4*M  (06-05) EEEE 93

                              GCH Goat-San Oregano 3*M  (05-02) EEEE 92


Verona is an exciting doe being the first LaMancha under our herd name, but she's also coming along and turning into a fancy young doe. She is really developing into a lovely doe with a level topline, smoothly blended front end and plenty of dairyness. She will take a few years to grow into herself, but we look forward to seeing what this cross with do. Her sire is a son of one of the most infliential LaMancha bucks in history, seven time premier sire ++*B SGCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult EX92. Verona's dam Verbena is also the littermate to the 2022 National Champion GCH Goat-San Peppermint 5*M. 


We have Verona's 3/4 litter-mate brother (yes, you read that correctly), Hops N Lops Jean Valjean on site for driveway breeding services and a very limited number of straws available. 



Two Year Old, First Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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