Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
*B Hops N Lops Hamunaptra
American Saanen 03/27/2022 DNA Typed & Dam Verified F/F Casein

++*B SG Windsor-Manor WMT Dream Maker
++*B SG Windsor-Manor Visionquest
SGCH Windsor Manor CJC Veronica (06-03) EEEE 91
++*B SG Willow Run V.Q. Scorpion King
Willow Run Legacy Ansell
GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk
Willow Run Simulator Smile
McQuitty-Farm Sargent (03-03) EEE 91
+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz (04-03) EEE 92
Araby-Farm TPE Adelaide (02-03) VVVV 87
Hops N Lops Guantanamo 11*M (03-04) VEEE 90
++*B SG des-Ruhigestelle Trademark (04-01) EEE 91
SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M (05-03) VEEV 89
SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea 9*M (03-05) EEEE 93
Linear Appraisal History:
Notable Wins:
Current Progeny in Herd:
Past Progeny in Herd:
Outside Service & Semen Availability:
We are offering Hamunaptra for driveway breeding services for the 2024-2025 breeding season. For more information, please visit the breeding services page or contact us with inquires.
We will not be marketing straws from Hamunaptra until we have been able to evaluate daughters in milk. If you would like to be notified when straws become available, please contact us.
While we we're hoping for a sister from this exciting AI breeding, I can't complain about having our new junior herd sire born!
We have admired how ++*B SG Willow Run V.Q. Scorpion King has crossed with the Araby-Farm herd and their foundation animals, so we wanted to bring these genetics back into our line. He brings together several of the National Show winners from the late 90's and early 2000's. His dam Smirk was the 2004 National Champion and Best Udder. His sire Visionquest also produced the 2008 National Show Reserve Best Udder winner, GCH Willow Run Ritesfred Snuggle 2*M EX92. He was also a paternal sister of SGCH Willow Run Dream Bianca, the 1999 and 2000 National Champion. He produced several notable does of his own including National Show class winner SGCH Araby-Farm S.K. Monique EX92, and +*B GCH Araby-Farm SK Magnum EX91 who we have also used with good results in our dam line.
His dam Guantanamo is a really promising up and coming doe in our herd. Like any doe, there are things I'd change but she has some piece I'm trying to bring into the herd such as more extreme height and width of rear udder, more ideal shape to the medial ligament and she as the substance of bone without giving up angularity and productivity. Her dam Ellaria has been a consistent brood doe for us having crossed well with every buck we've bred her to. She is a 3/4 sister to the 2021 ADGA National Champion and Best Udder winner SGCH Tempo Passa Etoilee 11*M EX94. Ellaria's dam is also the 2008 1st Place Milking Yearling and 2009 6th Place Two Year Old, SGCH des-Ruhgestelle Elendrea 9*M EX93 show career may have been cut short, there is so much to appreciate about the type and style of her.
Hamunaptra himself is a young buck with plenty of substance of bone, strength while still being very angular throughout. I really appreciate the width of rump and set to his feet and legs. We look forward to seeing what Hamunaptra will do for our herd as we begin to hopefully see his first doe kids in 2024.

Paternal Grandam:
GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk
Photo courtesy of Willow Run Dairy Goats
Hops N Lops Guantanamo 11*M
(03-04) VEEE 90

Maternal Grandam:
SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M
(05-03) VEEV 89

Maternal Great-Grandam:
SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea 8*M
(03-06) EEEE 93
Photo courtesy of Tempo Dairy Goats

Maternal Sister:
Hops N Lops Folsom 11*M
(04-06) EEEE 92
Maternal Aunt:
Hops N Lops Excelsior 10*M
(03-05) VEVE 90
Hops N Lops Guantanamo 11*M
(03-04) VEEE 90​

Dam's Paternal Sister:
GCH Hops N Lops Arkham 3*M
(05-04) EEEE 92

Maternal Grandam:
SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M
(05-03) VEEV 89