Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Folsom 11*M
American Saanen 01/27/2020 DNA Typed & Parent Verified E/F Casien
Linear Appraisal History:
2022 (02-04) VEVE 87
2024 (04-06) EEEE 92
DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:
(02-02) 249DIM 2143 63F 59P
(04-00) 137DIM 1471 43F 43P (in progress)
National Show Placings & Notable Wins:
2022 12th Place Two Year Old
2021 Eastern States Best Junior Doe in Show
2021 NJ State Fair Best Junior Doe in Show
2021 NJ States Fair GCH (x2)
2021 CDGA Nutmeg Classic GCH

*B God's-Grace Italian Stallion
Noble-Springs GGIS Truce
Noble-Springs MFD Timra
Noble-Springs NST Definitive
+B Noble-Springs Mo'effective (07-06) EEE 92
Noble-Springs NSME Dayna 8*M
GCH Noble-Springs ASAS Daylily 7*M
McQuitty Farm Sargent (03-03) EEE 91
+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz (04-03) EEE 92
Araby-Farm TPE Adelaide (02-03) VVVV 87
Hops N Lops Guantanamo 10*M (03-04) VEEE 90
++*B SG des-Ruhigestelle Trademark (04-03) EEE 91
SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 9*M (05-03) VEEV 89
SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea (03-06) EEEE 93
Folsom was a stand out kid from the start. I hadn't planned on keeping a doe kid from this litter, but I took the photo of her and her sister to send to someone purchasing a kid and I didn't have the heart to let her go. Thankfully my gut was right as she's turned out so well. Rarely do breedings truly fix exactly what you expect with young, unproven parents but this one certainly did. Even as a junior doe and first freshener she has the more extremely levelness of rump and length of bone pattern I would change about her dam, but also maintain the height of rear udder, strength of fore udder and over all strength throughout including substance of bone. She is one I am beyond excited to see the future of, even if she certainly knows she's a favorite in the barn and her personality certainly shows that. We also have a lovely AI daughter from her that is quite a stand out of her own to look forward to sharing in the future.

Four Year Old, Second Freshener
Two Year Old, First Freshener
Two Year Old, First Freshener

Dry Yearling
Dry Yearling
Dry Yearling

Dry Yearling

Dry Yearling


Four Year Old, Second Freshener
Two Year Old, First Freshener