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Hops N Lops Excalibur

American Saanen    05/19/2021     DNA Typed & Parent Verified     Casein Pending


                              *B Noble-Springs SET Amigo  (04-04) GEE 86

            McQuitty-Farm Sargent  (03-03) EEE 91

                              CH Tres Amigo Ticket Snivel 

+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz  (04-03) EEE 92

                              *B Tempo Passa Evander  (01-03) GGG 83

            Araby-Farm TPE Adelaide  (02-03) VVVV 87

                              CH Araby-Farm Araby Queen  (05-04) EEEE 91


                              *B Talache 's Hiatsu

            *B Talache 's Hallel  (02-03) EEV 90

                              SGCH Talache 's Hadar 7*M  (04-05) EEEE 92

Hops N Lops Excelsior 11*M  (03-05) VEVE 90

                              ++*B SG des-Ruhigestelle Trademark  (04-03) EEE 91

            SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M  (05-03) VEEV 89

                              SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea 9*M  (03-06) EEEE 93


Notable Wins:


Current Progeny in Herd:


Past Progeny in Herd:


Outside Service & Semen Availability:

Excalibur is co-owned with the Beorningswick herd and is not on site for the 2024-25 breeding. Please contact Beorningswick Dairy Goats for more information.


We are offering a limited number of straws for 5/$175, please contact us us with inquries.








Linear Appraisal History:


While I was offering Excalibur for sale as a young kid, it worked out that our friends at Beorningswick has interest so we we're able to remain co-owners on him to use in our herd. His dam is young, but has some both structural and genetic pieces we hope to maintain in the herd so we appreciate the opportunity to work with them. 


His sire Alcatraz has become a mammary system and body capacity buck, but he's truly been consistent across the board. We've made some of the more difficult cuts in the herd from his offspring because every one of them has been an improvement in height and width of rear udder arch over their dams. They also have well extended fore udders, and plenty of depth and width of body. It's really no suprise with a pedigree stacked with national show winners including his paternal sister being the 2022 ADGA National Champion CH Araby-Farm Mercedes who also is the dam of the 2022 Spotlight Sale doe that sold for $10,000. 


His dam Excelsior is a young, and still immature doe but she has plenty of promising pieces. She excels in length of bone pattern, openness and angularity throughout while still maintaining strength of feet and legs, uphill stature, levelness of topline and extension of brisket we expect in our does. Her dam SG Tempo Passa Ellaria has been a productive doe in our herd that has a few show wins to her name, but she's really been valued as a brood doe. We've kept daughters from her by every buck she's been bred to and every one of them has turned out beautiful and most importantly productive. Adding more recent Tempo Passa (previously des-Ruhigestelle) genetics into our herd has been a new venture starting with this dam line but we're so excited to add them in through Excalibur as well. 


Excalibur resides at the Beorningswick herd in Connecticut but we're looking forward to using him by both live cover and AI in the future. 




Hops N Lops Excelsior 11*M

(03-05) VEVE 90


Paternal Sister

GCH Hops N Lops Arkham 3*M

(05-04) EEEE 92


Paternal Sister

Hops N Lops Nurmengard Castle 3*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Paternal Sister

Hops N Lops Guantanamo 11*M

(03-04) VEEE 90

Alcatraz 2020.jpg

Maternal Granddam

SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 9*M

(05-03) VEEV 89


+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz

(04-03) EEE 92

IMG_7919 (1).jpeg

Paternal Sister

GCH Hops N Lops Arkham 3*M

(05-04) EEEE 92


Hops N Lops Excelsior 11*M

(03-05) VEVE 90

Paternal Sister

Hops N Lops Guantanamo 11*M

(03-04) VEEE 90




All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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