Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Elegy 12*M
American Saanen 05/19/2021 DNA Typed & Parent Verified E/F Casein

+B Noble-Springs SET Amigo (04-04) GEE 86
McQuitty Farm Sargent (03-03) EEE 91
CH Tres Amigo Ticket Snivel
+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz (04-03) EEE 92
*B Tempo Passa Evander (01-04) GGG 83
Araby-Farm TPE Adelaide (02-03) VVVV 87
CH Araby-Farm Araby Queen (05-04) VEEE 91
*B Talache 's Hiatsu
*B Talache 's Hallel (02-03) EEV 90
SGCH Talache 's Hadar 7*M (04-05) EEEE 92
Hops N Lops Excelsior 11*M (03-05) VEVE 90
+*B SG des-Ruhigestelle Trademark (04-03) EEE 91
SG Tempo Passa Ellaria 10*M (05-3) VEEV 89
SGCH des-Ruhigestelle Elendrea 9*M (03-06) EEEE 93
Elegy may be the baby of the two year olds, but she is certainly well on her way to being a favorite. To no surprise of ours she appraised with an excellent mammary system as a first freshener including a 37 in fore udder, 38 in rear udder arch and height. We look forward to seeing this doe mature over the next few years.

Two Year Old, First Frehsner

Dry Yearling