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GCH Hops N Lops Cold Open 1*M

Saanen Grade (75%)     05/17/2016     DNA Typed     E/F Casein


                              *B Aspen-Hill's Lethal Weapon  (03-07) VEV 88

            *B Araby-Farm LW Remmington  (02-05) VGV 86

                              GCH Araby-Farm Reanna 3*M  (03-04) VEVE 90

Tunnel's End AFR Joshua  (06-02) VVE 89

                              +*B Aspen-Hill's Jim Dandy

            CH Araby-Farm Jamie  (02-04) VEEV 88

                              GCH Little-Araby Jezabell 4*M  (03-03) VEEE 90


                              +B Briar-Bay WL Smilin' Jack

            +*B Companeros Jack JustInTime  (04-02) VEV 88

                              SG Companeros Stand Out Jade 10*M  (03-04) EEEE 92

Hops N Lops Just This Once  (01-02) GVVE 86


            The Once in a Blue Moon 1*M  (05-01) VEEE 90









Linear Appraisal History:

2018   (02-01)  +VVV  86

2021   (05-01)  EEEE  91

2022   (06-01)  VEEE  91

2023   (07-01)  EEEE  92


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(01-09)   270DIM  2637   82F  76P

(02-08)   248DIM  2229   69F  60P

(04-08)   299DIM  2424   78F  65P 

(05-11)   266DIM  1786   53F  45P

(06-09)   303DIM  1972   70F  51P 

(07-08)   143DIM    936   28F  23P  (in progress)


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:

2016   4th Place Junior Kid

2018   19th Place Two Year Old

2022   5th Place Five to Six Year Old

2022   High Lifetime Milk Production

2022   High Lifetime Fat

2024   3rd Place Aged Doe

2024   High Lifetime Milk Production

2024   High Lifetime Fat


2018 NSBA All American Grade Two Year Old

2017 NSBA All American Grade Senior Yearling

2016 NSBA All American Grade Junior Kid


2021 CDGA Nutmeg Classic Best Senior Doe in Show

2021 NHDGA Show GCH & BOB

2018 Nutmeg Classic RGCH

2017 Nutmeg Classic GCH

2017 Sunny Sisters GCH


Open has been a special doe from the start. I joke she became a favorite after we knew her sire produced skittish kids so it was my personal goal to make her friendly. While she is grumpy as can be and only likes one person, she has definitely become a favorite for her structure as well. 


She was a fairly late baby, but we still brought her along to the 2016 ADGA National Show where she placed fourth in the junior kid class. The photos of the class are funny to see how she stands out for her clear difference in age, but she was still a correct little thing. She had a number of wins as a dry yearling due to not having enough animals to make things official, and then needing to bring her to make things official just in case someone else wins but she was quite dominate in the show ring that season. As a milker she still was topping classes and had a few wins but did not finish her championship. Things came to a stop her three year old year when we realized she slipped her pregnancy early on and we didn't catch it until it was too late, and then she had a very traumatic kidding as a four year old due to a pair of large, uncooperative buck kids. After some therapy and lots of TLC she turned around and has been slowly getting her production back to match her extremely deep and wide frame. 


Between having singles, and her grumpy attitude comes in is she does not like anyone to milk her but me so we usually see a drop in her production while I'm on the road. From her extremely correct frame, I will give her the pass and keep this girl around. She has produced some lovely daughters, even if she's been stingy on does! Open also returned to the 2022 ADGA National Show and placed 5th along with winner the High Lifetime Milk and Butterfat even with all her considerable set backs. 


I hope to see her permanent championship processed, as this girl still has the show ring calling her name as an aged doe. 



Cold Open Eight.JPEG

Seven Years Old, Fifth Freshener

Eight Years Old, Sixth Freshener

Six Years Old, Fourth Freshener

Cold Open Teo Year Old.jpg

Two Years Old, First Freshener

Five Years Old, Third Freshener

Dry Yearling


Dry Yearling



Cold Open 3.jpg

Three Year Old, Second Freshener

Five Year Old, Third Freshener

Two Year Old, First Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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