Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Driveway Breeding Services
We offer the opportunity for approved, clean does from other herds to come for a driveway breeding. For the 2024-25 breeding season, we plan to are offer the following bucks for outside does but these plans are subject to change. Please contact us with questions about the most up to date availability.
Please keep in mind, we ask the following health requirements for the health and safety of our bucks. We do not need to offer outside service, but we hope this is beneficial to the local goat community and helps prove our bucks as quality sires on a broader scale than only selling frozen semen. These bucks are very carefully selected for their pedigrees and are extremely important to us and considerable financial investments.
Due to work and other obligations, we need notice if you plan to bring does to be bred well in advance for the 2024 season.
Please contact us with further questions and inquires.
*B Hops N Lops Must Be a Weasley ($100)
*B Scotchbriar Comedy of Errors ($100)
J&M Hideaway AB Iceman ($125)
War Cry's Centerfords Casanova ($100)
+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz EX92 ($125)
Beornings Chim Chim Cher-ee EX91 ($125)
*B Hops N Lops Hamunaptra ($100)
Hops N Lops Jean Valjean ($100)
Autumn-Acres Metal Jacket ($100)
Health Requirements:
All does must have a negative CAE and CL test within 45 days of the first breeding. We highly encourage you to test with WADDL and do a full screening panel which also includes Johnes. We also will evaluate does for signs of illness or parasites before exposing our bucks to them. If does have any signs of something such as ring worm, sore mouth, or other concerns they will be turned away. The health of our bucks is most important to us.
Payment Options:
Payment is due at the time of service, no exceptions.
Cash, PayPal or Venmo are the only accepted form of payment for driveway breeding services. Checks will be accepted on a case by case basis and are to be made out to "Grace Toy". PayPal is to be sent to hopsnlopsfarm@gmail.com using the friends and family option, or adding the appropriate fees. Please contact us for Venmo infromation.
Please note the following:
Contact us early! We all have obligations off farm as this is not our full time job. Please contact us early and keep us up to date on when you would like to breed your doe and when she is expected to be in heat. I do travel frequently and not all bucks are able to be used unless I am present. Please do not wait to contact us until your doe is in heat, we will not wave health requirements due to poor planning.
Controlling the doe is your responsibility! We do not have pens available for use, so she will need to be on a strong, appropriately filled collar and lead as we are located close to a busy road. Bucks are not small and can scare a doe, please make sure you are able to handle her or bring someone who can. Expect to hold their collar and lead during the visit.
Please do not wander the property! We do have livestock guardian dogs as well as house dogs and "watch geese". We ask that you stay in the part of the property we ask for bio-security concerns and to not upset our animals who are doing their jobs.
Payment is due at the time of breeding. Also note the fee does not guarantee you kids and is not rolled over to the following year or another animal if she does not settle, it is for our time. A fee covers two trips, if she needs to come back for a third or subsequent visits there is a smaller fee per visit after that.
We do not offer any boarding services, if she is not yet in heat you will have to bring her back when she is.
We do not lease out bucks, we always have buck kids available in the spring and take reservations for the following kidding season year round.
We typically stop driveway breedings by early January, please contact us to see if bucks are available after December. Our bucks have been working since August, they are not as interested in does with weak heats at the very end of the season.