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Beornings Chim Chim Cher-ee

American Saanen     03/12/2019     DNA Typed & Parent Verified     E/F Casein


                              *B Noble-Springs SET Amigo

            McQuitty-Farm Sargent  (03-03) EEE 91

                              CH Tres Amigo Ticket Snivel

Araby-Farm MFS Houdini

                              +*B Companeros Clinton Admiral  (03-04) VVE 89

            CH Araby-Farm Hocus Pocus  (07-04) EEEV 90

                              Araby-Farm SKM Harmonee  (06-04) EEEV 90


                              Aspen-Hill's Rain-Beau  (03-03) EEE 91

            Araby-Farm AHRB My Hero

                              Araby-Farm CCA Maliah

SGCH Beornings Expialidocious 2*M  (04-05) EEEE 92

                              *B C-Creek Valentine HC Snoangel

            GCH Beornings Bodacious 1*M  (05-05) EEEE 92

                              Beornings Bodice Ripper


Linear Appraisal History:

2021   (02-03)  EEE  91


Notable Wins:


Current Progeny in Herd:



Past Progeny in Herd:

Arkham Asylum

Jolly Holiday 11*M VG88 (FF)

Standing Ovation

Dark Tower


Outside Service & Semen Availability:

Bert is available for limited driveway breeding services during the 2024-25 breeding season. For more information, please visit our breeding services page or contact us with inquires.


We have a limited number of straws available for 5/$300 or $65/straw, please contact us with inquires.




Bert was another "on a whim" purchase who was just what we needed. I was looking for a buck to help with front end assembly, front legs and maintain strength of pastern. While visiting the Beorningswick herd, Ruth walked Expialidocious out of the pen towards me and she tracked extremely well on straight front legs with tight toes, smoothness of blending throughout the front end with good depth of chest. She had placed well at the 2016 and 2018 national shows. Her dam GCH Bodacious EX92 was a doe we showed against many times who did extremely well and had a lovely, well attached mammary system. She was the 2016 Recorded Grade reserve best udder, made the top ten list and was third behind the national champion and reserve national champion. Expi is also a paternal granddaughter of Aspen-Hill's Rain-Beau EX91 who sired the 2016 National Champion and Best Udder winner Araby-Farm AHRB Just-Tina EX92. 


Bert's paternal line is no stranger to our herd. His sire Houdini, is a son of McQuitty-Farm Sargent. Sargent is a son of the 2014 National Champion and Best Udder winner, Tres Amigo Ticket Snivel. Sargent also the sired the 2022 National Champion and Best Udder winner CH Araby-Farm Mercedes in addition to our successful herd sire +B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz EX92 who has sired some lovely does with extremely consistent mammary systems for us. Houdini's dam CH Araby-Farm Hocus Pocus who scored is the 2010 National Junior Champion and is sired by one of Araby Farm's notable herd sires, +*B Companeros Clinton Admiral who sired does such as CH Araby-Farm Araby Queen EX91. 


Bert has produced some does excelling in general appearance and body capacity. They are large with plenty of substance of bone, level across their back and rump with correct feet and legs. We look forward to seeing his first daughters freshen in 2023. 


EXpi 2019.jpg


Hops N Lops Jolly Holiday 11*M VG88 (FF)

(02-05) VEEV 88


Hops N Lops Arkham Asylum


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats

Expi 3 Milked Out.jpg
Expi 2.jpg
Expi 2 National Show.jpg


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats

Bodacious NS.jpg

Maternal Granddam:

GCH Beornings Bodacious 1*M

(05-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats

Expi 3 RU.jpg
Expi 2 RU.jpg


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats


SGCH Beornings Expialodocious 2*M

(04-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats

Jolly Holiday 2 Year Old.jpg
Standing Ovation 2 Year Old.jpg


Hops N Lops Jolly Holiday 11*M VG88 (FF)

(02-05) VEEV 88


Hops N Lops Standing Ovation

Bert Sept 2020.jpg

Two Year Old


Bodacious NS RU.jpg

Maternal Granddam:

GCH Beornings Bodacious 1*M

(05-05) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Beorningswick Dairy Goats

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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