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+*B GCH Araby-Farm SK Magnum

American Saanen     02/21/2006

Linear Appraisal History:

2007   (05-04)  EEE  91

2008   (02-07)  VEE  90

2011   (01-04)  VEV  87


Current Progeny in Herd:

The One Who Knocks


Past Progeny in Herd:


                              ++*B SG Windsor-Manor WMT Dream Maker

            ++*B SG Windsor-Manor Visionquest

                              SGCH Windsor Manor CJC Veronica  (06-03) EEEE 91

++*B SG Willow Run V.Q. Scorpion King

                              Willow Run Legacy Ansell

            GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk

                              Willow Run Simulator Smile


                              +*B GCH Lake-Country no Magnum Opus

            +*B SG Lake-Country Opus Sachem

                              Lake-Country Ole Satin Doll

SGCH Albanhaus Marlene 5*M  EX90

                              SGCH Beornings Kosmos

            SGCH Albanhaus Marua 4*M  EX90

                              SG Albanhaus Maranda 3*M


Willow Run Ansell Smirk.jpg
Araby-Farm S.K. Monique 2.jpg
Araby-Farm SKM Arabella.jpg


GCH Araby-Farm SKM Arabella

(05-04) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Araby-Farm Saanens

Paternal Grand Dam:

GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk

2004 National Champion & Best Udder

Photo courtesy of Willow Run Dairy Goats

Paternal Sister:

SGCH Araby-Farm S.K. Monique

(05-04) EEEE 92

Photo courtesy of Araby-Farm Saanen

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/26/2025

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