Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
+*B SG Alize Kharm Personified
Purebred Nubian 03/03/2009 DNA Typed

Prairie-Patch Matlock
++B Prairie-Patch Miller
Prairie-Patch Millie
++B Lassenwood Miller Ozzie (07-02) EEE 91
Sweet-Harvest Rain Maker
Lassenwood SHRM Zenobia (03-03) VG86
Niro Dandy's Zettie 1*M (04-06) VEEE 90
Little-Bic's Rain Dancer
+*B J&R Spirit's Dakota's Kaiyoum (01-04) VVV 88
SGCH Desert-Willow KE CK Kailia 2*M (08-07) EEEE 93
SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M (03-07) EEEE 92
M's Sagebrush SDGV Katero
M's Sagebrush Katero's Milan 1*M (06-03) EVEE 92
M's Sagebrush Klassic Design
Alize Kharm Personified

SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M
(08-07) EEEE 92
2009 Reserve National Champion & Best Udder
Photo courtesy of Alize Dairy Goats

Dam's Paternal Granddam:​
SGCH Desert-Willow KE CK Kailia 2*M
(08-07) EEEE 93
2009 Reserve Best Udder
Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians

SGCH My-Enchanted-Acres KW Kharisma 5*M
(07-03) VEEE 92
Photo courtesy of My-Enchanted-Acres Nubians
SGCH Alize Kailia's Kovergirl 3*M
(04-04) VVEE 90

Littermate Sister:​
GCH Alize Khaos Personified 3*M
(05-03) VVEE 89
Photo courtesy of LakeShore Nubians